Help support our vision!
Become a Samadhi Supporter
Samadhi Supporters make an invaluable contribution to the running of our activities, enabling us to help more people and supporting the goal of the future Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre.
By donating a fixed amount every month, you help us cover our ongoing fees, keep our regular online activities free, lower the fees on courses & retreats, and fundraise for the retreat centre.
In exchange for your monthly donation, you get a free signed copy of David’s book, free access to our regular classes and recordings of previous courses, a private monthly Q&A with the other Samadhi Supporters, discounts on our retreats and programmes, and more
Samadhi Supporters get:
- A signed copy of David's book, 'A Practical Guide to Mindful Living'
- Private Monthly Group Q&As - Guidance and support in your practice
- Monthly meditation practice reports with David
- Free access to all online courses & recordings
- Free access to in-person talks & seminars
- 10% off in-person day courses
- 10% off in-person day retreats
- 5% off in-person overnight retreats
as well as:
- Free access to all other online events & classes
- Free access to all podcast episodes
Where your monthly donation goes:
- Keeps online activities and resources free to access
- Website fees
- Podcast hosting fees
- Advertising & printing
- Fundraising for improved equipment
- Webinar software subscriptions
- The Samadhi Bursary Fund – a fund dedicated to covering course fees for those of low-income
- Fundraising for Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre
- Venue fees
- Event catering/refreshments
Would you like to support us?
We provide three different subscription options online. However, the minimum supporter package is from £20 (available only by bank transfer). You can also establish a subscription exceeding £40 per month, please contact us to set these up.
For amounts offered over £20, we can claim Gift Aid – an extra 25p for every £1.
Lotus Supporter
Subscription Value: £30/month
Thanks to Gift Aid, your donation can increase to £32.50 at no additional cost to you.
Zen Supporter
Subscription Value: £35/month
Thanks to Gift Aid, your donation can increase to £38.75 at no additional cost to you.
Bodhi Supporter
Subscription Value: £40/month
Thanks to Gift Aid, your donation can increase to £45 at no additional cost to you.
All supporter subscription includes the same benefits.
Why Support Samadhi?
At Samadhi, we aim to provide a sanctuary of serenity, welcoming all people who wish to explore meditation and Buddhism.
Our reason is simple: we wish to alleviate mental distress and suffering however we can.
As a registered charity, donations are what help us run our organisation. Monthly donations from our Samadhi Supporters are invaluable to us – allowing us to offer our online activities freely, and keep charges for in-person events to a minimum, for the collective good

As An Act of Gratitude
A lot of time and energy goes into creating a special environment for our activities, but those who lead our sessions and those who work in the background receive no payment for their service.
The reason they offer their time freely is because they believe in the power of these teachings and practices to be able to help alleviate people’s suffering and bring them to greater wellbeing.
It is as an act of both appreciation for the time offered, and out of reverence for the teachings, that we contribute financially and support the organisation, for the benefit of all.
To Support Our Vision
The Samadhi Project is our vision for an eco-retreat centre and community in the South of Wales.
The purpose of the retreat centre is for it to be an inspiring and welcoming place for like-minded people to gather, visit, or live together, learning about meditation, Buddhist psychology, contemplative training, and sustainable living. It will also be a place for those who wish to devote themselves to full-time retreat, on a short or long-term basis, providing an ideal, harmonious, and secluded environment.
At the heart of the centre and community’s values will be the pursuit of an ethical way of life, living in harmony with each other and our environment, in an environmentally sustainable way (i.e. recycling and conserving water, utilising solar energy, growing our own food organically, eating plant-based.)

To Contribute to Other’s Wellbeing
If you have benefitted from the practices and sessions offered, then you know from your own experience just how transformative they can be. Contributing to our organisation means contributing to other’s wellbeing – through your kindness, we’re able to reach more and more people, and who knows the snowball effect it might have? It all starts with you.
Making a regular donation is an act of love and compassion for our fellow sentient beings. Through your contribution, people may come across these teachings, becoming happier and more comfortable people, leading to more harmonious families and workplaces, and a happier society overall.
What's the plan?
We aim to establish a low-carbon, eco retreat centre that will welcome people from all over to come together and explore contemplative practices and reconnect with nature. We will provide space for both group and individual retreat, and have a supportive community working together for the same aims. We aim to be as self-sustainable as possible, utilising renewable energy, minimal waste principals, and growing our own organic plant based food in a holistic way.
We will nurture a community and support dedicated practitioners and aspiring yogis as they enter into retreat. We will have individual retreat cabins for those wanting to do long-term practice, a main retreat space, accommodation for visitors and volunteers, veggie patches, and fruit trees. The centre might also house a zero-waste shop and cafe open to the public, and provide sanctuary to rescued animals. This will all be set in a rural, spacious and secluded location. Find out more.
But we can’t do this alone. We are very fortunate to have an amazing community who are helping us get a step closer to our goal. Although our aim is to make every course and event as accessible as possible so that everyone can benefit, funds are needed to make this dream a reality. That is why we have created the Samadhi Supporter membership. We believe this is the best way for those who want to support our vision to do so while getting access to all the resources we can provide.
Samadhi Supporters make an invaluable contribution to the running of our activities, enabling us to help more people and supporting the goal of the future Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre. By donating a fixed amount every month, you help us cover our ongoing fees, keep our regular online activities free, lower the fees on courses & retreats, and fundraise for the retreat centre. In exchange for your monthly donation, you get a free signed copy of David’s book, free access to our regular classes and recordings of previous courses, a private monthly Q&A with the other Samadhi Supporters, discounts on our retreats and programmes, and more
At Samadhi, we aim to provide a sanctuary of serenity, welcoming all people who wish to explore meditation and Buddhism. Your donations make an invaluable contribution to the running of Samadhi and to the goal of the future Samadhi Retreat Centre. Learn more about the Buddhist tradition of dana.
Offer Dana
While our weekly classes are offered freely, you are welcome to offer dana. Dana is a Buddhist tradition where we offer from the heart in a spirit of gratitude and generosity. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and all money goes directly into supporting our activities and fundraising for the Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre.
Optional Donation - This donation will support fundraising for the Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre.
UK Residents - Do you want to Gift Aid your donation?
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
Thank you for being amazing
– The Samadhi Team 🧡