Support Samadhi

Why help?

Samadhi is a small registered charity and relies on the help and kindness of our community. A lot of time and energy goes into our activities, but those who lead our sessions and those work in the background receive no payment for their service. The reason they offer their time freely is because they believe in the power of these teachings and practices to be able to help alleviate people’s mental distress and bring them greater wellbeing.

As an act of both appreciation for the time offered, and out of reverence for the teachings, it is customary for students to contribute financially or otherwise help the running of the organisation, this is called offering dana.

Through your generosity, whether you are offering your time, support, or a financial contribution, we can continue making important contributions to our community through our free online resources, our upcoming in-person and online events, this website, and eventually, through establishing the Samadhi Retreat Centre Project.

"The growth I’ve had this year is thanks to finding Samadhi which has inspired me to take action. I am leaving the year far happier than when I entered it with a much quieter mind. Still lots of work to do on becoming a human being not a human doing!"

"A massive thing for me this year while on my healing journey is being a part of a Community (online and in person) meeting and sharing with people as been so good for my mental health.. I have grown as a person and I have also learned new ways to approach difficult situations.. your sessions have made a big impact on my life in so many ways and for that I would like to say a big Thank You 🙏🏽 😊❤️"

"I booked onto one of your retreats last minute, in Oct. I knew I needed time for myself. Time to reflect on what I really wanted in life, thank goodness I did, as this is when I noticed a lump. I have now been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. All is ok, we have a plan to remove it all on Jan 30th and then step by step i will heel. Mediation has helped me all the way and will continue to help me through life. I share my story to encourage you all to do a checkin on your body and mind. David and Manu, I cannot thank you enough for your dedication to share your learnings. Normally I am the hare in life, but understand next year its time to be a 🐢. The community here will also keep me strong and it is so nice to see familiar faces. Have a good Christmas everyone and thank you."

"I have been through so much challenge and change this year with my health as I have incurable cancer and started the year mentally and physically fatigued after 4 years of treatment. I believe the retreat and in particular the daily meditations have helped me greatly in the last 3 months. I am able to take things day to day and have immense gratitude for my wonderful son and my life. I even love my dogs even more if that was possible. I am less self cherishing and I am much more patient and understanding if there is any conflict with my partner. I understand now that he is suffering greatly. The one thing that resonated with me was I think on retreat you talked about separating the person with the behaviour and you likened it to the unconditional love a mother has for her child. Wow that was a moment I realised how I needed to be more compassionate to people in my life. "

1. Supporting by Giving Your Time

If you are unable to help us financially, or prefer to have a hands-on approach to supporting us, there are a number of ways you could help us and we would be very excited to hear from you.

Please email Marie at [email protected] to find out what skills we are currently in need of. 

2. Make a Donation

While we strive to benefit as many people as possible regardless of their financial situation, unfortunately, we cannot avoid running costs.

By offering a donation (or by becoming a Samadhi Supporter) you make an invaluable contribution to the running of Samadhi’s activities and to the goal of the future Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre. Through your kindness, we are able to cover our ongoing fees and continue to offer all of our online events and resources freely.

Optional Donation - This donation will support fundraising for the Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre.

UK Residents - Do you want to Gift Aid your donation?

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.


3. Become a Samadhi Supporter

Samadhi Supporters make an significant contribution to the running of our activities, enabling us to reach more and more people and supporting the goal of the future Samadhi Eco Retreat Centre. By donating a fixed amount every month, you help us cover our ongoing fees, keep everything online for free, lower the costs of courses & retreats, and fundraise for the retreat centre. In exchange for your monthly donation, you get access to a variety of resources.

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Human Friendly Events

Samadhi is an inclusive organisation and we welcome people of all ages, genders (including gender identity), sexual orientation, abilities, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief.

As an LGBTQ-led Buddhist organisation, we strongly believe that no one should be discriminated against for any reason at all and subscribe to the ideals of non-harm and loving-kindness. You’re welcome no matter who you are and you’re free to express yourself authentically.