Navigating People Pleasing

In this episode, David explores the roots of people pleasing and how it ties into Buddhist teachings on attachment and the need for approval. He shares insights on recognising this behaviour and offers practical ways to cultivate inner confidence and self-worth, freeing ourselves from the cycle of external validation.

Relax & Go Easy On Yourself

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Being ‘Intelligently Selfish’ & Tonglen

“If you would like to be selfish, you should do it in a very intelligent way. The stupid way to be selfish is … seeking happiness for ourselves alone. … the intelligent way to be selfish is to work for the welfare of others.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama Notes & Transcript Transcript No transcript […]

Anger-Eating Demon

Notes & Transcript No transcript yet. Would you like to transcribe our classes? Please get in touch.

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Human Friendly Events

Samadhi is an inclusive organisation and we welcome people of all ages, genders (including gender identity), sexual orientation, abilities, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief.

As an LGBTQ-led Buddhist organisation, we strongly believe that no one should be discriminated against for any reason at all and subscribe to the ideals of non-harm and loving-kindness. You’re welcome no matter who you are and you’re free to express yourself authentically.